Defeating Diastasis FREE 14 Day Challenge!

FREE 14 Day Challenge using ONE powerful move from my Defeating Diastasis program. Many have reported improved ab awareness, core strength, pelvic floor function-- and some have even noticed their diastasis recti gap start closing! Do this move consistently for 2 weeks and see what it will do for YOU!

You will get 15 daily e-mails with extra tips, testimonials and encouragement--and video access through August 31, 2023 as well as access to the private Facebook group!

Your Instructor

Trisch Richardson
Trisch Richardson

I love helping REAL women get REAL results! Former P.E. and exercise-hater, I found T-Tapp workout 16+ years ago and never looked back! Master T-Tapp Trainer of 11+ years, Christian Health Coach for 8 years, I am passionate about helping women look and feel their best--transformation inside and out!

I specialize in adapting exercise to the chair so everyone can move to feel better and yes, even lose inches! My other qualifications: ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, ISSA Corrective Exercise Specialist, and ISSA Glute Specialist. I also have my double MA--that's MAMA to 9 beautiful children! ;)

I love to help women transform inner heart beliefs through a faith-based focus. If you're looking for holistic body-soul-spirit coaching, let's talk! My goal is for you to be FULLY Fit and FULLY FREE!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
You gain access immediately upon registration and have access to this one POWERFUL technique through May 31!
How long do I have access to the course?
You will have access to the video and access to the private Facebook group through May 31. You may download the checklist to keep!
I'm not on Facebook--what if I have questions?
Comments have been enabled so you can ask your questions right under the video!

Get started now!